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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - ass


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Перевод с английского языка ass на русский

осёл (Equus asinus) – African wild ass – Asiatic wild ass – Nubian ass
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  1. зоол. осел домашний, ишак (Equus asinus) 2. уст. библ. ослица Balaam's ass —- валаамова ослица asses' milk —- молоко ослицы 3. глупец; тупица don't be an ass —- не глупи! 4. упрямец Id: to act the ass —- валять дурака Id: to make an ass of oneself —- ставить себя в глупое положение Id: to be an ass for one's pains —- остаться в дураках; не получить благодарности за свои труды Id: never bray at an ass —- не связывайся с дураком 5. ам. груб. задница 6. ам. сл. дурак, тупица a bit of ass —- баба, девчонка; юбка; сношение с женщиной ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun осел to be an ass for ones pains - не получить благодарности за свои старания; остаться в дураках to make an ass of oneself -  а) ставить себя в глупое положение;  б) валять дурака to make an ass of smb. - поставить кого-л. в глупое положение; подшутить над кем-л. to play/act the ass - валять дурака ASS about v. sl. валять дурака ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сокр. от airlock support subsystem вспомогательная подсистема шлюзовой камеры ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a either of two kinds of four-legged long-eared mammal of the horse genus Equus, E. africanus of Africa and E. hemionus of Asia. b (in general use) a donkey. 2 a stupid person. --v.intr. sl. (foll. by about, around) act the fool. Phrases and idioms asses' bridge = PONS ASINORUM. make an ass of make (a person) look absurd or foolish. Etymology: OE assa thr. OCelt. f. L asinus 2. n. US var. of ARSE. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~a, probably from Old Irish asan, from Latin asinus  Date: before 12th century  1. any of several hardy gregarious African or Asian perissodactyl mammals (genus Equus) smaller than the horse and having long ears; especially an African mammal (E. asinus) that is the ancestor of the donkey  2. sometimes vulgar a stupid, obstinate, or perverse person made an ~ of himself — often compounded with a preceding adjective don't be a smart-~  II. noun  or arse  Etymology: Middle English ars, ers, from Old English ?rs, ears; akin to Old High German & Old Norse ars buttocks, Greek orrhos buttocks, oura tail  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. often vulgar buttocks — often used in emphatic reference to a specific person get your ~ over here saved my ~  b. often vulgar anus  2. usually vulgar sexual intercourse  III. adverb  Etymology: 2~  Date: circa 1920 often vulgar — used as a postpositive intensive especially with words of derogatory implication fancy-~ ASSAD, AL-  I. biographical name Bashar 1965- president of Syria (2000- )  II. biographical name Hafiz 1930-2000 father of preceding president of Syria (1971-2000) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (asses) 1. An ass is an animal which is related to a horse but which is smaller and has long ears. N-COUNT 2. If you describe someone as an ass, you think that they are silly or do silly things. (INFORMAL) He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass. N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 3. Your ass is your bottom. (AM INFORMAL, RUDE; in BRIT, use arse, bum) N-COUNT 4. Saying that someone can kiss your ass is a very rude way of expressing anger or disagreement. (AM INFORMAL, RUDE) PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]feelings 5. a pain in the ass: see pain ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PART OF BODY« especially AmE an impolite word for the part of your body that you sit on  (I tripped and fell flat on my ass.) 2 get your ass in gear also move your ass spoken an impolite way of telling someone to hurry  (Get your ass in gear, or you'll miss your plane!) 3 get off your ass AmE spoken an impolite way of telling someone to stop being lazy  (If you want to pass this test, you'd better get off your ass and study!) 4 kick/whip sb's ass also kick (some) ass AmE slang to beat someone easily in a fight, game, or sport  (Let's get out there and kick some ass.) 5 be on sb's ass AmE spoken a) an impolite way of saying that someone is annoying you by telling you to do things you do not want to do  (My boss is on my ass all the time.) b) an impolite way of saying that someone is driving very close to the back of another car 6 get your ass over here AmE spoken an impolite way of telling someone to come quickly 7 my ass! AmE spoken an impolite way of saying that you do not believe something  ("He said he ran twenty miles." "Twenty miles my ass!") 8 »STUPID PERSON« informal a stupid, annoying person  (make an ass of yourself (=do something stupid or embarrassing)) 9 sb doesn't know their ass from their elbow AmE spoken an impolite way of saying that someone is stupid 10 »ANIMAL« old use a donkey  (- see also arse1, haul ass haul1 (6), kiss sb's ass kiss1 (6), pain in the arse/ass etc pain1 (3), piece of ass piece1 (21), smart arse) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. American Show Shepherd physiol. abbr. Anterior superior spine mil. abbr. Automated Sensual Stimulator mil. abbr. Awesome Shooting Soldier ac. degr. abbr. Associated Secular Students univ. abbr. Association Of Singapore Students univ. abbr. Academy Of Submissive Students mathem. abbr. Angle Side Side funny abbr. Automatic Santaclause Simulator adult abbr. Adz Steve Stupidity adult abbr. Ass adult abbr. Another Stupid Shuffle adult abbr. Another Stupid Sir adult abbr. Above Seat Steering softw. abbr. Architecture Specification Support educ. abbr. Audit Seattle Schools sport abbr. Accuracy Speed And Style sport abbr. All Star Survivor sport abbr. All Stars Squad law abbr. Anti Sasuke Syndicate law abbr. A Sensitive Senior music abbr. Acoustic Solo Show lat. abbr. Artium Societatis Socius ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. assa (Old Northumbrian assal, assald), prob. from O.Celt. *as(s)in "donkey," ult. from L. asinus, probably of Sem. origin (cf. Sumerian ansu). In fables and parables, the animal typifies clumsiness and stupidity (hence asshead, 1550, etc.). Asses' Bridge, from L. Pons Asinorum, is fifth proposition of first book of Euclid's "Elements." For slang sense of "backside," see arse. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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